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See also:
describing people - appearance
describing pictures
describing places


Intermediate Communication Games book cover 
Intermediate Communication Games
2 - Whatsitsname?  Page 2 
Descibing objects from pictures: A thing for ...ing A thing that does... etc.
33 - Archaeologists  Page 33 
Describing everyday objects as a future archaeologist might.
Reward Intermediate Resource Pack book cover 
Reward Intermediate Resource Pack
31a and 31b Describe it  Page 31 
Describing things when you don't know the word.
Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack book cover 
Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack
2b Spot the differences  Page 2 
Describing position, actions etc. of peope in an airport departure lounge.
The Great Train Robbery
<i>Black Mirror</i>
Escape from the canyon