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present perfect tense

Present perfect tense

See also:
past simple

General use of the present perfect
The present perfect tense links the past to the present. There are three common ways in which it is used: 1) 'Up until now'To refer to something that started in the past and is still happening now. I have lived here for three years. This means I moved here three years ago and I...Read more

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Present perfect and past simple board game
20 mins
Board and dice game with 22 squares, each containing a question that must be completed with the past simple or present perfect. Includes all the main uses of the present perfect simple: unfinished action/state up until now / unfinished time period / past action with present relevance.
worksheet preview
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Present perfect and past simple speaking : pairs
Students make a noughts-and-crosses grid on a piece of loose paper. Then they write the missing information (numbers) from the worksheet in the squares. Then exchange grids and guess what each number refers to. (They can either make statements (simple version) or form questions (more challenging)
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Present perfect - past simple grammar squares
24 squares with past simple / present perfect simple multiple choice questsion Could be done as a board game, a card game using a snakes and ladders board, or simply read out in turns.
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Find someone who
20 mins
whole class
Practises present pefect simple and continuous
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Present perfect revision game
Noughts and crosses type activity where Ss write short answers to questions on a nine-square grid. They then give this to their partner who has to guess the meaning of the statements
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Present perfect worksheet
Illustrates three main concepts of present perfect (life experience, for /since / event with present relevance. Grammar analysis + pair work
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Present perfect analysis
Ss match examples to three main uses of present perfect simple Revised, 2015
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Correction slips - present perfect
Error detection / correction worksheet focusing on the present perfect and past simple tenses. Consists of 15 sentences for reading aloud. Other students decide whether they grammar is correct. Answers provided.


Present perfect - concept quiz 1
Fifteen-question concept checking quiz. All main uses of present perfect simple.
Present perfect and past simple - concept quiz
Ten-question MC concept checking quiz on present perfect simple and past simple.
Present perfect and past simple quiz 2
Twelve-question multiple-choice quiz with feedback and explanations.
Present perfect and past simple quiz 1
Twelve-question MC quiz testing present perfect for (recent) actions with present consequences, and events in an unfinished time period (the life of a living person, this week, this month etc.)


Letter : present perfect or past simple?
Fill the gaps in the complaint letter with past simple or present perfect verb forms
Present perfect, past simple and past continuous 01
Gapped dialogue. 'Have you ever...?' with a short anecdote as the reply using past simple and past continuous.
Present perfect, past simple and past continuous 02
Gapped dialogue. 'Have you ever...?' with a short anecdote as the reply using past simple and past continuous.


Material from other sources

Present perfect or past simple? (long quiz) external link icon
Fifty two question, 2-option past simple vs present perfect quiz


New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate students' book book cover 
New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate students' book
Consolidation modules 6 - 10  Page 96 
Gapped story
Module 13 Choosing the right person  Pages 119 - 120
Present perfect simple contrasted with present perfect continuous.
Consolidation modules 11 - 15  Page 138 
Tense identification exercise
New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate students' book book cover 
New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate students' book
Module 5 Unusual achievements  Pages 54 - 55  Perfect tenses
Listening, analysis and follow-up exercises on present perfect simple, future perfect simple and past perfect simple
Module 5 Unusual achievements  Pages 58 - 59  Language focus
Examples, analysis and follow-up exercises
Module 5 Unusual achievements  Pages 60 - 61  study / practise
End-of-unit practice exercises
New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate book cover 
New Inside Out Student's Book Upper Intermediate
Unit 6 Eat  Page 59   Present perfect simple and continuous
Grammar Activities Two - Upper Intermediate book cover 
Grammar Activities Two - Upper Intermediate
47 Tenses - past / present / present perfect  Page 47 
Present perfect vs past and present tenses.
54 - 55 Present perfect and past simple  Pages 54 - 55
All basic uses of present perfect contrasted with past simple.
Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack book cover 
Reward Upper-intermediate Resource Pack
5a Look back  Page 5 
Speaking. Board game. Personalization. All three uses of present perfect + contrast with past simple. Board squares contain personal topics. Ss throw dice and have to speak about the topic they land on.
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